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In Company Masterclass: Making your queer voice heard at work

Bring our half-day LGBTQ+ focused Masterclass to the queer leaders in your business, and help them elevate their queer voice.

By Claire Ebrey · February 16, 2023

Your voice is one of the main forms of communication. Your voice is used in business, your relationships, and even ordering a cup of coffee.  For queer people we can feel like we don’t have a voice in business and day to day life.  As LGBTQ+ individuals we tend to see things from a different lens, therefore our voices provide various unseen solutions. By holding back your thoughts and opinions, many of your colleagues and businesses could miss out on key decision making inputs.  Furthermore, by not utilising our queer voices in the workplace we stunt our career growth, and job satisfaction. This workshop is going to address that very subject: Making your queering voice heard at work.

Join other LGBTQ+ leaders in this interactive and tailored half-day workshop that will cover:

  • Why we lose our voices: What is the real reason people lose their voice? What is the reason queer people feel they have imposter syndrome when speaking?
  • Why queer people don’t feel heard: We will explore why as LGBTQ+ individuals we feel unheard? We will explore how allies can help make space for queer voices.
  • How to open your voice: We will look at practical exercises to making yourself heard in various workspaces.
  • How you carry yourself: We will look at how you enter a space, and interact with others.

This course is open to LGBTQ+ individuals, allies, and organisations who want to increase their equity, diversity and inclusion for queer voices in their workspaces. This session will:

  • make you to feel more confident speaking at work.
  • teach you to feel comfortable entering various spaces as a queer individual.
  • explain why you may be giving up your power in various situations.
  • provide you with understanding as to why creating space for LGBTQ+ voices at work is necessary to business success.

About Sam

Sam is a vibrant and dynamic Canadian international speaker, spoken voice coach, and educator. He is interested in the relationship between the voice and one’s performance, both professionally, personally and in higher education.

Sam has a significant interest in public speaking and empowering individuals to help them find their true leadership potential. He is passionate about the LGBTQ2S+ community, and works to help queer individuals emancipate their voices in the professional world and in the classroom. He is an educator, a dissertation supervisor for queer related voice studies and has published internationally in the area of LGBTQ2S+ and voice . Sam has worked with the National Health Service (NHS), Wagamama, and currently works with some of the top drama conservatoires across the UK. Including Guildhall School of Music and Drama, and the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. Sam’s past students currently perform on the West End, Netflix, Amazon Prime Videos, and the National Theatre (UK).

If you’re interested in bringing this masterclass to your business, contact